What are SARMs and how do they work

To achieve the ideal body and increase muscle mass and performance, many people use anabolic steroids. These steroids are not illicit substances, but their use must be prescribed by doctors, in addition to having to perform a professional follow-up. In general, the side effects caused by anabolics include: changes in cholesterol levels, hair loss, hypertension, heart attack and acne. In men, sexual impotence, decreased sperm production and gynecomastia may occur. In women there is a risk of thickening of the voice, excessive hair growth and breast reduction.

What is SARM?
The term SARM is an abbreviation in English for “selective androgen receptor modulators” or, in Portuguese, specific modulators of androgen receptors. These substances promise the development of muscle mass and fat burning, as well as anabolic steroids. What distinguishes anabolics and SARMS is that the latter do not cause side effects.

What are the advantages of SARM?
When used according to medical prescription, they help increase muscle mass and facilitate the burning of accumulated fat. This capacity is called the “recomp” or recomposition effect, and Ostarine, or MK-2866, was one of the first.

Ostarine has metabolic activity and, since it is not a steroid, it does not convert to estrogen. Its functioning is like that of testosterone, which stimulates muscle growth and strength, in addition to maintaining or improving libido and fertility. Also according to the performance of testosterone, Ostarine predicts the increase of lean muscle mass, positively altering muscle wasting.

Ostarine promotes muscle definition to the fullest, increasing the resistance of this tissue and increasing physical condition. Since it promotes the burning of localized fat, it leads to the reduction of body fat. Its use is indicated for men and women, obeying the indication and the dose indicated by the specialized doctor.

What are the disadvantages of SARMs?
SARMs provide the same benefits generated by anabolic steroids, but because they are less aggressive substances, their response time may be longer. In contrast, when compared to natural options such as creatine, your results occur more quickly. While this is only the short review, you can find some really detailed reviews here.



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